Open Source Contributors

Open Source lives from participation.

To ensure the continued support of open source projects, there should be an active community so that knowledge is distributed among many people. Below you will find a list of people who contributed to the LimeSurvey Community Edition.



Denis Chenu (DenisChenu)
Tony Partner (tpartner)

International support

Marcel Minke (Mazi)
Tony Partner (tpartner)

National support

French: Denis Chenu (DenisChenu), Nicolas Goyer (Nickko)
German: Marcel Minke (Mazi)

Quality Assurance

Maybe you? Join the community

The community forum

At the heart of the community: the forum

Our great community is an experienced, reliable and versatile helper. Any difficulties you may come across have likely already been detected by someone else. Most of the times that someone has also found a solution to the problem.
Our community is the ideal place to ask questions and get help with any issues regarding the usage of LimeSurvey. A part of our community deals with documentation and translation. If you want to help out, this is your place to go.

Translators & Application

If you just want to help with translations, please have have a look at our translations instructions or directly head over to our translation website.

Translations instructions

Translation website

Translations are hard work and we are very thankful for all the translations that have been done by our volunteer translators. We are particularly looking for supervising translators for each language – if you are interested, please get in touch with us.

Contact us

We are very thankful for all this translators!

Language Supervisor Translators

Past Contributors & Developers

Thank you to the following people who have contributed to LimeSurvey in the past (ordered by last name):

Jason Cleeland, Jeff Clement, Sabine Cretella, José Luis Ramírez Cuevas, Jan Doemen, Daniel Eggel, Marco Ermini, Arjen Gideonsev, Andreas Gleis, Peterjan Heyse, Yao-Wen (Wayne) Huong, Rolf Njor Jensen, Odd-Jarle Kristoffersen, Frederik Kunz, Johannes Kutsam, Thibault Le Meur (lemeur), Michael Macasek (macasek), Patrick McKnight, Mark Meytin, Ronald Mulder, Brian O’Neill, Darrel O’Pry, Ulrika Olsson, Esteban A. Pérez (dgeaperez), Bas Peusens, Mark Rabideau, Philip Roy, Gustavo San Roman (leochaton), Andreas Schroeter, Dominik Sommer, Juhan Sonin (jsonin), Brian Staats (bstaats), Wes Sonnenreich, Karyl Stein, Eirik Sunde, Rob Thew (rob.thew), François Tissandier, Tor de Vries, Shawn Wales (swales), Chris Wessells, Verified Voting Foundation

…and many others (excuse us if we’ve forgotten somebody!)

Your assistance has been invaluable. Well done and thank you for contributing to the open source community!