Easily update your LimeSurvey installation with our ComfortUpdate Extension

“ComfortUpdate” is an extension for the LimeSurvey Community Edition. It makes it easy for you to update your self-hosted installation to the latest version. If you are a LimeSurvey administrator it will help you update LimeSurvey with one click.

If you don’t want to maintain LimeSurvey yourself we suggest using our “LimeSurvey Cloud”. No need to install LimeSurvey on your own system.

Click here to get started with LimeSurvey Cloud

1 Month

  • ComfortUpdate for up to 6 updates

6 Months

$50 *
* The shown price includes 0% VAT and is based on the conversion of 46 EUR.
  • ComfortUpdate for up to 30 updates
  • Access to LTS Version (Download or ComfortUpdate)

Mostly bought

12 Months

$84 *
* The shown price includes 0% VAT and is based on the conversion of 78 EUR.
  • ComfortUpdate for up to 60 updates
  • Access to LTS Version (Download or ComfortUpdate)
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1 Month


ComfortUpdate 6

6 Months

$50 *
* The shown price includes 0% VAT and is based on the conversion of 46 EUR.

ComfortUpdate 12

12 Months

$84 *
* The shown price includes 0% VAT and is based on the conversion of 78 EUR.

You need more?

Ask for more here

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Own server required
Access to legacy and LTS versions

The technical support is only regarding to issues with the ComfortUpdate. We do not provide support for issues with hosting and installation. Please check our manual, our forum or ask one of our partners for more.

Technical support for ComfortUpdate
Number of updates included


1 Month



Own server required
Access to legacy and LTS versions

The technical support is only regarding to issues with the ComfortUpdate. We do not provide support for issues with hosting and installation. Please check our manual, our forum or ask one of our partners for more.

Technical support for ComfortUpdate
Community only
Number of updates included

After signing up, you will automatically have access to the ComfortUpdate trial and receive a valid update key which you can use to update 3 times.


ComfortUpdate 6

6 Months

$50 *
* The shown price includes 0% VAT and is based on the conversion of 46 EUR.


Own server required
Access to legacy and LTS versions
Technical support for ComfortUpdate
Number of updates included

ComfortUpdate 12

12 Months

$84 *
* The shown price includes 0% VAT and is based on the conversion of 78 EUR.


Own server required
Access to legacy and LTS versions
Technical support for ComfortUpdate
Number of updates included

More about ComfortUpdate

How much does LimeSurvey cost?

The LimeSurvey Community Edition is free for everyone to download. The software must then be installed and hosted on a separate server.

“ComfortUpdate” is an extension for the Community Edition to provide you with a simple update mechanism. For this additional function, we charge the prices listed above. Alternatively, you can also install each update manually.

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How do I use ComfortUpdate?

To use and test ComfortUpdate, you have to sign up on LimeSurvey and receive a free trial key. This key is provided for free.

After you have logged in you have to unlock the update-keys, which done by clicking on designated button. After unlocking the key it is valid for four weeks and six updates can be executed.

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Community Edition vs. Cloud?

Since 2006 LimeSurvey distributes it’s survey software as Open Source and free for everyone. If you want to use the Community Edition you have install it on your own servers and maintain the software yourself.


With LimeSurvey Cloud we do the hosting and ensure that you are always using the latest and most stable version of our online survey tool. LimeSurvey Cloud also offers a number of exclusive features not found in the Community Edition.

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